Town of Newburgh
Trash and Recycle
Effective February 1, 2023, Trash and Recycle services for the Town of Newburgh residents transitioned from Waste Management to Renewable Resources.
In October 2015, the Town of Newburgh entered into a five-year contract with Advanced Disposal (now known as Waste Management). The contract allowed for three one-year extensions, if both parties agreed. When the 5-year contract ended in October 2020, Waste Management agreed to a one-year extension (November 2020 - October 2021) and then another one-year extension (November 2021 - October 2022). When the third extension was made available, Waste Management did not want to continue with the current contract specifications and rate. After discussions, Waste Management agreed to service the Town through January 31, 2023 while the Town worked on specifications and taking the contract out for bid. Trash specifications were put out to bid on November 17, 2022 and on December 14, 2022 the three bids that were submitted were opened (click here for the details of the bid opening). On December 28, 2022, Newburgh Town Council awarded the bid to the lowest and most responsive bidder; Renewable Resources at a five-year rate of $18.49. Town Council approved the five-year contract on January 11, 2023 and trash services with Renewable Resources took effect February 1, 2023.
Each household located with Town limits will receive one (1) 96-gallon trash and one (1) 96-gallon recycle container
If additional container is needed; one can be leased from Renewable Resources​
Additional container is $5.00 per month and will be added to your sewer/utility bill​
Call Town Hall at 812-853-1720 x 6 or email Andrea Balboni at abalboni@newburgh-in.gov for additional containers
During the bidding process, all bidders (including Waste Management) informed us that the industry is moving toward complete automation for the safety of the drivers
All trash and recycle must be placed in a Renewable Resources container
No personal containers will be emptied and bags placed outside of the container will NOT be picked up
All yard waste, including leaves, may be placed within the trash container
Separate leaf pickup days are not part of the current contract​