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Town of Newburgh
Boat Access
Boat Ramp Fees
Daily Launch Fee = $5.00
Season Pass purchased during January, February or March = $45.00
Season Pass purchased after March 31st = $50.00
Season Pass purchased after September 1st = $30.00
All passes expire on December 31st of the current year.
Season passes can be obtain at Town Hall, Monday - Friday (8:00AM - 4:30PM)
Boat Ramp Rules and Guidelines
1. To allow for an orderly traffic flow please note the following guidelines to launch your boat:
Enter SLOWLY from the EAST drive only. All traffic flow is one way WEST. A 5 miles per hour speed limit will be strictly enforced.
In backing your boat to the ramp, two corrective alignment maneuvers may be necessary to align correctly to the ramp.
Please assure traffic is clear prior to backing to launch or retrieve as traffic lane exists in front of boat ramp. There may also be another boater exiting off the ramp.
In backing down the ramp always stay within the lane lines that are painted on the ramp.
Upon exiting the ramp always stop at the top of the ramp for possible vehicles exiting from the traffic lane.
Exit from the WEST drive ONLY. You should swing wide right to align center of the west drive.
Upon exiting the west drive, place your left front tire close to the curb to allow maximum clearance for the right rear trailer tire on the right curb.
The west drive exit grade is 12%, so low gear may be necessary. Assure vehicle does not stall on exit drive because it is nearly impossible to back down which could result in vehicle roll off.
Re-enter the EAST drive to park vehicle and trailer.
2. Parking of vehicle and trailer allowed on the lower level ONLY, but not guaranteed as part of permit. No long term parking allowed. NOTE: Optimum boat size (for parking) for the design of this facility is 18-20 feet. Boaters whose boats are longer than 20 feed or total rig is longer than 40 feet should adhere to the following:
Boats and rigs longer than the optimum length have only 5 parking spaces to park at this facility located at the northwest corner of the lower parking area. These spaces should be reserved for longer rigs unless the remaining parking spaces are taken.
Rigs longer than 50 feet are not recommended to park at this site.
3. Maximum launch time is 10 minutes. If you are not successful in this time frame, please circle around and give someone else a chance.
4. Maximum docking time is 15 minutes per boat. Additional time allowed for the handicap.
5. The Corps of Engineers only allows launching and retrieving during daylight hours. Please note you will be launching into barge traffic channel. DO NOT LAUNCH OR RETRIEVE IF BARGE IS IN SITE.
6. Launching allowed only from the ramp and only during favorable river and weather conditions.
7. NO SWIMMING allowed from dock, ramp or anywhere adjacent to park.
8. Permit sticker must be displayed on the rear of the boat trailer close to the license plate area. If no trailer, you must display the sticker on the rear bumper of the vehicle hauling the boat.
9. Applicant is responsible for selection of available parking slot that is the appropriate size for the vehicle and trailer. Theft of the vehicle, trailer, or contents left in the parking lot is the exclusive responsibility of the applicant and NOT the Town of Newburgh or the Newburgh Parks Board.
10. Absolutely NO GLASS CONTAINERS allowed at the park. All trash must be hauled offsite if the available trash containers are full.
11. The river silt will be removed from the parking area and the ramp as weather and river conditions permit and manpower can be scheduled.
12. The dock will be put in service and taken out as river conditions warrant.
13. The boat ramp will be closed during some festivals and other times deemed necessary by the Town of Newburgh and the Newburgh Parks Board.
14. You enter the site at your own risk. The Town of Newburgh and the Newburgh Parks Board will not be responsible for injury, vehicle roll off, theft, damage or vandalism incurred at the boat launch facility.
15. All money collected from the sale of this permit and the daily launch permit fee will be used to maintain, operate and further develop the facility. Please treat the facilities as your own and report any violations to the Town of Newburgh or the Newburgh Police Department.
Boat Dock
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